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Saturday, 31 October 2020

A Look at the PokerDewa88 - A Review


When I heard about PokerDewa88 I was intrigued but unsure of what it was. It sounds like a site that specializes in casino poker, but then it goes on to say that they offer "online casinos" and "jackpots for real money". Is it a legitimate site? And how does it operate?

So I searched around for these type of sites and I was surprised by what I found. I found many poker sites that are focused entirely on casino poker and there are also some sites that are focused on high stakes cash games and there are still others that are just geared toward tournaments. All of these poker sites are in the United States. What I found out is that pokerDewa88 was not just a site that specializes in playing casino poker but they had a great variety of games that you could play.

One of the things that attracted me the most was the fact that they had a very large selection of online casino games. They offer all kinds of tournament games including cash games, Omaha games, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Studs, Six Card Stud, Five Card Studs, Two Pair, Four Pair and Five Card Studs. PokerDewa88 offers both live and online tournaments and all kinds of prizes for winning. You will also find a variety of tournaments in their tournaments section. You have to pay a one time membership fee and then you can play unlimited tournaments. This is a great option if you are serious about poker and want to take your poker game to the next level.

Of course you will also find a variety of cash games as well. If you are interested in a poker site that offers great cash games, this is the right place for you. Cash games are often won by a small amount of cash or by some prize like tickets or gift certificates.

If you have never played online poker before, pokerdewa88 offers a variety of different games, such as Omaha and Seven Card Stud, Five Card Studs, Two Pair, Four Pair and Five Card Stud and Seven Card Studs that can be played without ever putting your real money in. So you can try them all out and get used to playing without risking anything. PokerDewa88 has a great community and forums that you can join.

Their best feature however is the bonuses that they offer when you play in their real money tournaments. This is a great way for you to try out what other players have to say before you invest your own money. The bonus system is easy, the bonus is given to you in real time and once you register you will immediately begin playing on a variety of different sites so that you can see for yourself how the system works and get a feel for the real game.

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